Upcoming Programs
Don't forget to bring along your Copilot card to check in!!
Birthday & Anniversary Parties
The Last* Thursday of each month starting at
10 am
*Except March - takes place the 3rd Thursday in March.
Each party day we have entertainment and cupcakes donated by Country Meadows.
Sign up for "Birthday/Anniversary" to let us know you're attending. If you'd like to stay for lunch, please make sure to sign up for that as well in Copilot.
Watercolor with Katie
Katie will be teaching classes on an "as available" basis. Check the newsletter to see when she'll be here again.
Katie will be teaching a watercolor class. The cost is $10 to participate, and each person will be responsible for his/her own materials. A material list will be available soon.
Coffee & Discussion
The First Monday of each month starting at 10 am
Join us for this monthly time to talk with our staff and other members about what's going on at the center. This is the perfect time to give feedback, suggestions, and learn about how our organization runs. We'll have coffee available for those who attend.
Yarn Workers Club
First & Third Thursday of each month at 10 am
This club is for yarn workers of all varieties. Bring along whatever project you're working on and socialize with others.
Now offered, Knitting Project for beginners. Limited to 5 participants. Sign up for "Needlework Project" on Copilot to reserve your spot. Stop in for more information on the current project.
Bus Trips
Click the link below to see the bus trips we have planned.
Click here to see the policies for our bus trips.